Accession Capital Partners backs Inplus / Cenatorium Group

Accession Capital Partners (ACP) has made an investment into proptech business Inplus / Cenatorium Group, Poland’s leading provider of property and geospatial analytics.

Inplus / Cenatorium supplies data-based solutions through its state-of-the-art digital database that combines the most comprehensive real estate transactional data and the geospatial data across Poland. The company’s software combines its experience and knowledge of the dynamics of spatial economy phenomena with advanced data processing technologies, enabling clients to use automated valuation models for real estate as well as to support large-scale infrastructure projects in design, planning and permitting. The Group caters to a high-profile client base that includes top-rated financial institutions as well as infrastructure owners and developers.

The investment was made by AMC Capital IV, a €264m vehicle managed by ACP (formerly Mezzanine Management). The fund is the largest raised by ACP since the firm pioneered mezzanine funding in 2000 for growing companies in Central Europe.

The Fund has acquired a 40% stake in the business and provided a long-term debt facility as part of a refinancing to release incumbent financial sponsors. Further growth capital has been provided to support the group’s expansion plans.

Przemys?aw G??bocki, Co-Managing Partner at ACP, said “We are delighted to be able to support the entrepreneurial teams of Inplus and Cenatorium in the next stage of their journey. The recent COVID-19 related lockdowns have dramatically accelerated digital transformation within corporations as well as state and local administration, with both Inplus and Cenatorium well placed to cater to increased demand.”

Jakub Chechelski, Investment Director at ACP responsible for the investment, added: “Both companies benefit from strong tailwinds in their respective segments. Poland is expected to follow the footsteps of Western European markets as regards property valuation, where widespread use of algorithms enables the banks to drastically cut the time of mortgage approval processes, as well as more accurately appraise the value of mortgage collateral in their existing portfolios. Infrastructure, in turn, will see massive investments in power generation and power grid over the coming decade – and Inplus has the toolset to support investors in delivering those investments, on time and within budget.”

?ukasz Z?akowski, CEO and lead shareholder in the Group, said: “My team and I look forward to accelerating our development with the funding and expertise of our new longterm partner. Already at the forefront of real estate digitalization, we intend to invest further in the quality and depth of our offering as we make a step change in our organization.”

Marian Owerko, Founder and CEO of Uno Capital, an exiting shareholder, said: “I would like to express my gratitude for ?ukasz Z?akowski and Adam Sobczak for their contribution in the development of the group and for introducing the concept of automatic property valuation to the Polish market. Also I would like to congratulate ACP, Przemek and Jakub in particular, on the new investment and acknowledge smooth execution of the deal. I trust ACP is the right partner for the group for the next stage of their expansion”.